What to Expect at Your Criminal Trial CALL ME NOW.


At the Law Offices of David Guy Stevens, we offer top-tier legal representation with a personal touch. Our attorney, David Guy Stevens, brings years of experience and a deep understanding of drug crime laws in Illinois. Based in Aurora and Wheaton, we serve clients throughout Dupage, Kane, Kendall, Cook, and Will counties. 

Drug charges can have severe consequences, affecting your freedom, reputation, and future. That's why you must have a skilled criminal defense attorney who understands the complications of drug crime cases to guide you through this challenging time. We will provide you with the best possible defense and protect your rights every step of the way. We're here to help. 

Understanding Drug Crimes

Drug crimes cover a wide range of offenses related to the possession, distribution, manufacture, and trafficking of controlled substances. These substances can include illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, as well as prescription medications obtained or distributed illegally. 

Types of Drug Crimes

Here are some serious types of drug crimes you should know about: 


  • Simple possession of a controlled substance without intent to distribute. 

  • Possession of drug paraphernalia. 

Distribution and Trafficking 

  • Selling or intending to sell illegal drugs. 

  • Transporting large quantities of controlled substances. 


  • Producing illegal drugs through cultivation or chemical processes.  

Prescription Fraud 

  • Obtaining prescription medications through deceitful means. 

Possession with Intent to Distribute

  • Holding a quantity of drugs that indicates the intention to distribute or sell them. 

  • Having packaging materials or scales alongside controlled substances. 

Drug Conspiracy

  • Agreeing with one or more persons to commit a drug-related offense. 

  • Being implicated in a plan to manufacture, distribute, or transport illegal drugs. 

Why You Need a Lawyer

The legal system is a maze, and the consequences of a drug crime conviction can be life-altering. Here's why you need a lawyer: 

  • Protection of rights: We protect your constitutional rights throughout the legal process. 

  • Strategic defense: We will develop a strategy tailored to the specifics of your case. 

  • Negotiation skills: Our attorneys are skilled negotiators who can secure more favorable plea deals or reduced sentences. 

  • Courtroom experience: We have extensive experience in the courtroom and are ready to defend you aggressively. 

Accused of a Drug Crime? 

Call Me Now 

Drug Crime Laws in Illinois

If you're facing drug crime charges in Illinois, you must become familiar with the laws. Illinois has strict drug laws, and penalties can vary widely depending on the type and quantity of the substance involved. 

Drug Possession 

In Illinois, drug possession charges are classified based on the type of drug and the amount found in possession. Possession of small amounts of cannabis, for example, is often treated less severely than possession of harder substances like heroin or methamphetamine. 

Distribution and Trafficking 

The penalties for distributing or trafficking drugs can be much harsher than for simple possession. Factors such as the amount of the drug, its classification, and whether the offense occurred near a school or park can influence the severity of the penalties. 


The production of drugs, including growing marijuana plants or operating a meth lab, carries severe penalties. Sentences can include long prison terms and substantial fines. 

Prescription Drug Fraud 

Obtaining prescription drugs through false pretenses, forgery, or fraud can result in both misdemeanor and felony charges, depending on the circumstances. 

Drug Conspiracy 

In Illinois, drug conspiracy laws target individuals who agree with others to commit a drug-related offense. The penalties for drug conspiracy can be as severe as those for the actual commission of the drug crime itself. Factors influencing the severity include the nature of the agreement and the type and quantity of drugs involved. 

Drug Paraphernalia

Possessing, selling, or using drug paraphernalia is also a criminal offense in Illinois. Items such as pipes, bongs, syringes, and other objects used to consume, produce, or distribute drugs fall under this category. Penalties can vary, but they often include fines and community service, especially if the paraphernalia is associated with more dangerous substances. 

Building Your Defense

When you come to the Law Offices of David Guy Stevens, we start by thoroughly reviewing the details of your case. We look at the evidence, the procedures followed by law enforcement, and any potential violations of your rights. We aim to build a strong defense that challenges the prosecution's case at every turn. 

Key Defense Strategies

  • Illegal search and seizure: Challenging the legality of the search that led to the discovery of drugs. 

  • Lack of possession: Arguing that you did not actually possess the drugs. 

  • Entrapment: Demonstrating that law enforcement coerced you into committing the crime. 

  • Mistaken identity: Proving that you were wrongly identified as being involved in the crime. 

Drug Crimes Attorney in Aurora, Illinois

At the Law Offices of David Guy Stevens, we offer top-notch legal counsel and personalized service tailored to your case. We understand the tough spot you're in and have worked with many clients to help them understand their situation and the options available. Don't allow the stress of your drug crime charges to overwhelm your life. Reach out to us so we can help you with your drug crime charge.